Diners Rendezvous
489 Wallace Ave, Nanaimo, BC
Join Patrick Lane, along with 18 master poets
for this FREE exciting eclectic evening full of variety and fine words.
Amrita Sondhi, Barbara Black, Barbara Pelman, Elizabeth McNally, Joanna Qureshi,
Judith Heron, Martha Royea, Mary Ann Moore, Pamela Porter, Richard Osler,
Ann Graham Walker, David Fraser, Linda Thompson, Patricia Smekal, Chris Donaldson,
Mary Beth Nelson, Maureen Bendick, and Somae Clarie Murray.

Each year, Patrick Lane offers four writing retreats on beautiful Vancouver Island. At each of these retreats, sixteen poets come together for four days to improve their craft through writing exercises and discussion. New work is at the heart of these retreats, where Patrick provides structure, guidance, editing advice and personal consultation. These retreats are not traditional workshops, although all work done there is read and discussed during a free exchange of poems. Poets who participate bring with them years of study and practice, and many have gone on to publish in magazines, chapbooks and books, and have as well been the recipients of numerous awards and prizes.
Each retreat results in a beautiful chapbook anthology containing a poem written at the retreat by each participant, with an introduction by Patrick. The chapbooks are created by one of Canada’s finest book designers, Ursula Vaira, the publisher of Leaf Press. (Excerpt from the web site of Patrick Lane)
This launch will feature three chapbooks produced at two January and and one July retreat at the Honeymoon Bay Resort at Lake Cowichan on Vancouver Island.
In the Darkness. In the Dream, January 2011
Love in the Time of Predators, July 2011
I am the Angel of Old Grey Horses, January 2012
yoo RITE!!
Dunno if you saw this before...
yet, here it is once moe, curly:
Greetings, earthling! Need summore new-fangled-thots N ideers? Look no firdr, brudda. Can't stay long. Done gotta git, Paw... yet, if Im a sower, we plant the Seed; if Im an artist, we RITE the Word: Would U please help a plethora of King Size, wildchild, rawkuss poetry/wordz which are lookin 4 a home in thy novelty?? Thx. Whew. They're pretty insane. They're bereft of reason. Oi! Blimey! They're bloody PINK spiders!
Gotta gobba lotta shrewd, surreal, supersonic, sardonic satires, sassy N savvy elixers N electronic elegance (and palpable nuance) on our YOUTHwitheTRUTH blogs. Wannum? Have'm. N'joym. Gettm outta my hair!!!How mucha wanna betcha our sugar-high-mojo, pleasure-beyond-measure, fuse-blowin-exploits R a copious madhouse of one lavish bookay D.O.A.? Our proFUSE NRGod who leads U.S. to explosive fairy-tales in the 'one-stop-shop' symphony Upstairs? Almighty God's the BigDude, the Owner of ElysianFields, the Grand Prize, the Austere Overdrive, NoPurchaseNecessary: our bombastic tenaCITY on a Hill which'll plant the Seeds 4u2 grow-up to new N greater heights!! Mama mia! Thatsa good pasta!!
CAUTION: our 22ish, avant-guard, accurately-atrocious, offa-the-reservation-like-Jimmy-Hoffa, metal breadcrumms R sooo out-of-order, toots, they're an intimate wealth of bottomless sophistication. And dats da lethal fak, Jak. Yeah. Go ahead. Sue me. Yawn. But, yet, here's the perennial KOO D'TAH: who else has actually SEEN the Great Beyond in spirit & lived to tella youse bout the bionic, bloated, brevity-like-earth we're living on?? Yes, earthling, Im an NDE, almost salivating4salvation. So gain altitude, never attitude: death has no intrinsick favorites.
If Mr. abSUREditty's an ultra-great-reward, and not everyone enters, Q: why is it an excruciating deluge of epic-.357-caliber where the quality's a limitless bulldozer plowin, pushin-your-power-cord with eternal goodies? A: the Prize-A+-TheEnd just gives U.S. moe-curley-graphix 2 VitSee: an explosion-of-extravagance which few R asking 4 anymore! Grrr. They're too concerned withe grotesque sanity of ambivilant piss-ants which swiftly crawl like lemmings to their scorecard destruction. C'est la guerre.
THANK GAWWWD!!! the Don has the ebullient BAWLS!!! to do the Manifest Destiny!!! To lead U.S. forward to the White House Upstairs with his SQUARES!!!
So, break-free, earthling; be like a contraversial outgrowth of incredibly-intoxicating-effusiveness in your zeitgeist to give the ultimate, stunning, backknuckle potency: Wiseabove. Wanna join this useFULL idiot Upstairs 4 the most zany, kooky, X-acto-knife antidotes? Extremely exquisite, explicit endorphins in abundance? Puh-lenty of pulverizingly-tantalizing psychopathic psychosomatics with eXtras? i2i-kick-velocity's-ass-ultra-maximum-rocket-fuel-party-hardy at my pad ya ever encountered without d'New Joisey accent 4 an eternal slew of precarious, magnanimous & primeval absurdities indelibly etched in the granite corridors of eternity with a total-barrage-of-melt-in-thy-mouth 'depth-of-undenial'???
Make Your Choice -SAW
...cuzz nobody gitts outta here alive, earthling.
I sooo wish you could have
the kinda accident I had [NDE]
THEN! you'd know our lifelong
demise is only a litmus test
to see which direction we'll
fly at our General Judgement.
Yes, earthling, Im an NDE
so I actually know God exists:
He rewards those who HONOR n RESPECT
Him and strive to follow His Laws;
for those who wanna know what
Seventh-Heaven holds for your
indelible, magnificent soul whom
God has so carefully crafted:
Find-out what RCIA means and join.
[denying Hell will not prevent U.S.
from falling INTO Hellfire, child]
Jesus is the Just Judge.
He only 'reads' what OUR past,
mortal lifetime consisted of;
I'd also strongly urge you to read
'Lui et moi' by Gabrielle Bossis
(a French writer, translated, into
crystal-clear, 100,000W-GE-prose -
a must have for anyone who's
growin-UP in our predestined
relationship determined by YOU).
Make Your Choice -SAW
God bless you.
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