Thursday, November 17, 2011

Slice Me Some Truth: An Anthology of Canadian Creative Nonfiction

Join us for author readings, book signings, and refreshments at the Slice Me Some Truth book launch!

Thursday, November 24 (7PM)

At The Well—821 Fort Street, Victoria

Authors reading:

Lorna Crozier, M.A.C. Farrant, Genni Gunn, Zoë Landale and Madeline Sonik

Slice Me Some Truth: An Anthology of Canadian Creative Nonfiction is a ground-breaking survey of today's creative nonfiction in Canada, a complex and captivating field of writing that the editors spent four years exploring in the creation of this book. Covering the areas of memoir, personal essay, literary travel, nature writing, lyric essay as well as researched literary journalism and cultural criticism, Slice Me Some Truth thoroughly explores the depth and breadth of creative nonfiction writing in Canada, highlighting brilliant writing from thirty-six authors from across the country.

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